
The meaning of the rosary


First, the meaning of the name, the rosary, literally, […]

First, the meaning of the name, the rosary, literally, is the bead in Buddhist supplies. Specifically, it is a tool for Buddhists to pull their counting when they are chanting Buddha. Of course, non-Buddhists are also widely worn. Most people choose to wear a rosary bracelet. Another meaning of the name of the rosary is: Foch, that is, do not mean to kill life. Whether you are a monk at home, the first ring in Buddhism is not to kill. Each of us is unwilling to lose our lives, to push ourselves and others, and to have every life and affection. The so-called God has a good life. Buddhism is more focused on this point, and emphasizes that people who quit killing students must have the result of healthy longevity. The rosary is worn on the body or in the hands, and it is always reminding yourself to cherish the life.
Second, the meaning of the shape, the rosary is generally spherical, indicating perfect, that is, perfect meaning. We often complain about many shortcomings in life, many defects in people, but we have never found an important problem, that is, a question that Buddhism has to say in a thousand words and pains: everyone has a complete wisdom and merit. It is only because of my own troubles that I have covered these complete wisdoms that I can't show them. As long as you can resolve these unnecessary troubles, you can use the same as the Buddha, three, four wisdom, five eyes, six links, free to use.
Third, the meaning of the structure, each string of beads consists of a main bead, several other beads and a string of three. The main beads represent the Buddha, the ropes represent the Fa, and several other beads represent the sacred, and the Buddha, the Fa, and the Sui Bao can all be included in a series of rosary. Therefore, we must respect the rosary, such as the sacred, to clean up the body and mind. The so-called: swearing and taking care of the body is not guilty.
Rosary: ​​The rosary is used for counting Buddhas. It is a representation of merit, buddha, compassion, kindness, good fortune, perfection, and Buddha's heart. In addition to reminding yourself not to do bad things, it is also a beautiful decoration.
It is a tool used to count Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or a mantra. Originally the Indian king of the glass, please Sakyamuni Buddha to show the way to eliminate troubles, the Buddha taught him to use the seeds of the hibiscus tree (a kind of linden tree) to wear a string of beads, with the name of the Buddha to eliminate troubles.
Cord Rosary