


In the primitive society stage where primitive human in […]

In the primitive society stage where primitive human intelligence and ability are very underdeveloped, human beings feel the mysterious power of the sun, the moon and the stars, the change of the day and night, the existence of the life and the trust, and the more confused and helpless. Death has produced tremendous fear and uneasiness, and it has an irresistible sense of worship for the natural forces that dominate the destiny of mankind and the power of the great supernatural super-social behind the social forces.
As a result, people look forward to this great power in a pious attitude, and have a sense of trust in it, hoping to use his infinite ultimate power to solve the fear and confusion of his own soul. Mankind constantly continually describes and expresses this ultimate infinite power. In the different stages of the development of human thinking ability and language expression ability, in the different regions with different living environments, this ultimate infinite image, The expressions of nature are different, and the religious classic system, religious rituals, rules and regulations are also different, that is, the external carriers and expressions of religious emotions are very different.
In the primitive society, because the human brain's thinking ability and language expression ability are quite low, little is known about the world itself. Human beings and worms and beasts are looking for a kind of interlocutor who can be acquainted with each other, and materialize this supernatural mysterious force. Therefore, there are different kinds of animals and trees for various people. Totem worship and form a series of cumbersome custom etiquette.
At this time, witchcraft should also come into play. Witchcraft is a communication between man and this mysterious infinite force. When there are major events in Chinese primitive society, there will be divination and other means to ask for "the sky", hope to get the heavens. Enlightenment to be able to follow the sky in major decisions. In today's view, the development of our fuzzy mathematical decision theory has to be attributed to the inspiration and communication of this religious consciousness behavior. There are many stories of the prophets in the Bible. They accept the revelation of God and then express and impart to them, so that people's actions can conform to the will of God—that is, absolute devotion to God and “love their neighbors”. Wait.
In the ultimate expression of this nation, all ethnic groups are not affected by the cultural development of the nation, the regional environment, and the ability to think language. Therefore, the ultimate infinite presentation of each nation is different. In ancient Greece, the gods headed by Zeus; in Hebrew culture, they must absolutely obey the instructions of the Lord; in ancient China, this ultimate infinity was "the sky." Heaven is not a personified infinite force. It is undoubtedly the same as the "God" of the West. With its powerful and mysterious power of fear and awe, it arouses people's spiritual gratitude, horror, worship and other complex emotions. The Chinese do things, always strive to go all the way, for the heavens.

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