
Development of rosary


Rosary (also known as the number of beads) is basically […]

Rosary (also known as the number of beads) is basically used in the practice of various religions. In addition to the Chinese Mahayana Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and other religions have their own rosary, such as Taoist rosary, there are 81. The Catholic Rosary Rosary, with 59, is used to recite the Virgin Mary. The rosary of Islam has 33, and the turn of the circle is exactly 99. It is the ninety-nine names used to recite "Allah Allah." Buddhist rosary is generally 108, representing 108 kinds of troubles. With the difference of religion and the difference in the number of beads, the unique meaning of the rosary is given.
The rosary of Taoism was first called "drop beads." Due to the inherent "natural and human" thinking of Taoism, Liuzhu is also referred to in the human body. According to the "Huangting Internal Scenery of the Qing Dynasty", the rosary of Taoism was in the early days, especially in the practice of the Qing Dynasty. It is mainly used for internal refining and acting as a legal letter.
Our ancient ancestors, knotted notes. In the early Han and Wei Dynasties, Taiji Ge Xiangong first used the rosary as the count of the sacred name. In Bai Yuzhen’s real life, "The Collection of the Qing Dynasty", Ge Xiangong opened the precedent of the Taoist chanting.
During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Taoist Leifa and Nedan practice began to become popular. Many practitioners of Leifa and Danfa also use rosary as a tool for refining. In addition, in the "Dafa Association Yuanquan 146, Zhengyi Zhongxiao's family book white catching five Lei Dafa", there are also ritual rosary beads used as a tool to exorcise evil spirits.
Finger Rosary

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